Saturday, August 7, 2010

Weigh In and Weigh To Go!!

Great Weigh In today -2.8 for a total loss of 36.2 lbs.  This morning started out crazy, overslept, was running around trying to get ready for my meeting.  Threw on some black shorts and a shirt I bought before we went to Cabo San Lucas.  It was WAYYY to small to take on vacation but I grabbed it this morning and, whattya know, it fit!!  I knew it was gonna be a great day!! 

Lot to do today.  Already got my shopping done, need to finish laundry (just a couple loads, thank God!).  I am making the Kidney Bean Salad and a Shrimp and Fruit Salad along with some scallops, corn on the cob, and rice.  Now those are not all one meal, just elements of my weekend cooking adventures.  As I don't like to cook during the week, I like to make loads of good things on the week ends that will carry through.  Like last weekends frittata.  That made 8 breakfasts!!   The Kidney Bean Salad recipe says 6 servings, but I would say that might be the case if you were eating it as a meal.  Its really filling so a little goes a long way.  I can dump a 1/2 cup on a bed of lettuce and add some home made chicken tenders for a yummy lunch and I would be very satisfied.  You really should try the Kidney Bean Salad.  If you don't like it, it didn't cost a fortune to make and you can always toss it out!!  I will post pics and recipes (if I remember! I am not just losing weight, I am losing my memory too!)

1 comment:

  1. whoohoo! Congrats on the loss!

    oh I told my MIL that I had requests for her dinner recipe last week- I gotta get it from her if there is one???!! lol I know some of the ingredients they get at a Persian store.
